
James R Santos

Creative Tech Integration Specialist


Hi, I'm James.

I'm always looking for ways to learn and grow. I enjoy working with others because I see the value in different opinions and skill sets. I would describe myself as logical, informed, independent, motivated, and versatile - someone who values success above validation. I love discovering new skills and keeping up with the ones I already have.

I bring extensive experience in hospitality, business management, direct-to-consumer sales, and web development. My diverse perspective has given me plenty of insight, which I look forward to sharing.

Please do not hesitate to say hello! 🖖


Built using React-Bootstrap for flexibility and quick updates and deployment using Firebase. The styling in this app is bare-bones and intended for displaying more complicated builds and product breakdowns.

Case Study


Custom Big Five Personality Assessment

Utilized React, Node.js, Express, Firebase, RESTful API, CSS, Styled-Components, GitHub, with plans for AI and AR integration.



Developed with Express, Firebase Functions, and Swagger UI for robust backend functionality. Security ensured with Helmet, CORS, and csurf. Used Chai, Mocha, and Firebase Functions Test for comprehensive testing. Rate-limiting with express-rate-limit, logging with Morgan and Winston, and data validation using Joi and express-validator.



Built with React, React Router, Smooth Scroll, and custom images that were created with Sketch and Procreate. It was styled using styled-components, Material UI, and Flexbox, and deployed via Firebase.
